"You know me well..." at first it sounds a bit intruding, doesn't it?
But think about it. If someone knows you well, and they hang out with you voluntarily means they must really like you and also accept you the way you are - the advantages and disavdantages of your character!
There is nothing better and more comforting then just being yourself and being loved for the person you are. A long time ago Jay, an old boyfiend of mine told me: "Real love is when you not only love the strength of a person but also the weaknessess." At the time I was really youg, like 20 or 21 years and I have to admit, that sentence realy scared the c*** out of me! I was thinking: "Come on, really?!? How am I suppposed to do that??" Back then I was still thinking, that it was possible to change people. So I thought if I started loving what annoyed me, it would never-ever go away...and that I would even support it.
Today I know that if I love people the way they are, it helps them to become better, more confident and makes their weaknesses actually go away.
So, yes! It is amazing to be known well by people and vice versa!
Thank you Duesseldorf for interesting input!