Yes I know I want it, you know you want it, we all know we want it, ...this is very important. But I wonder why people keep forgetting what they want? I hear a dear friend of mine constanty complaining, pointing out the negative, talking about his deseases, using very strong language, calling himself, an idiot, ugly, and god knows what not... A lot of my questions will be answeres by sad or negative storys, and when I try to tell him, he says: "Why are constanty supervising me?" Knocked out. Done. Nothing more to say. Appologizing and shuttig up.
3 important lessons learned yesterday: Number 1. You can only help to improve who is open for it, otherwise you end up being misunderstood.
2. Using strong language like shit, fuck, horrible, terrible,
disgusting, shocking, idiot, asshole tbc..... is just creating more
situations for you to keep using these words and feeling that angry. See
it this way: if our thoughts create our lives, then words are the only
way to communicate our thoughts, what are you doing to yourself (and
others) using strong and negative words? Be concious using your words.
3. "You know you want it" don't forget that! Think of what you want ,
visualize it, share your dreams, positive experiences, make compliments,
smile, be gentle and remember if you get angry: "Does this matter a
year from now?" If not skip it, smile and save the enerygy for something
that's worth it!